Full Moon in Taurus: A Natural Sweetener to Steady Us
Full Moon at 19° of Taurus at 8:34 am EST on November 12, 2019
To transform consciousness, first nourish the body well
As we move into the final week of this Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, the Moon exalted in Taurus gives us a grounding seat of comfort from which to do our last phase of revision. Taurus, lover of the sweet earthly pleasures, invites us to nourish ourselves and each other with delicious foods, loving touch and walks in the great outdoors.
Taurus also asks us to take stock of what we value, ourselves included. Is there anything we’re needing in order to more fully embody our love for ourselves or an authentic sense of connectedness to the things, people and projects we most cherish? Do shoes need shining, sacred treasures need dusting or our own bellies need filling with some grounding broth or beans and greens? In order for our psyches to step up to the challenge Mercury in its retrograde has set forth for us, our bodies must be well tended first.
~tend to your treasures~
The Moon at its fullness touches in with an aspect we’ve navigated on and off throughout the year, Saturn sextile Neptune. Nestled in Taurus, the Moon makes a supportive earth trine to Saturn in Capricorn and a sextile to watery Neptune in Pisces. This connection between Saturn, master of bringing things into tangible reality, and Neptune, planet of oceanic spiritual consciousness, has been guiding us into a more embodied experience of Spirit.
In what ways has your connection to the all-that-is come further into form?
This full Moon in Taurus layers another bridge between these worlds, bringing the committed authority of Saturn into our relationships to home, body, nourishment and pleasure. All of this receives Neptune’s fairy dust of divine compassion.
Allow the simple pleasures of being alive on Earth to connect you to your own unique, sensual reality and to the unseen grace that weaves us all together.
Comfort, humor and connection dwell even in the most turbulent of times, as plants sprout and grow from cracks in the concrete.
Where are the planets?
Mercury in Scorpio
Venus in Sagittarius
Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
share a favorite snack with a friend!