New Moon in Sagittarius: Faith Forward
New Moon at 4° of Sagittarius at 10:05 am EST on November 26, 2019
bring new truths into relatedness and find freedom in love
This new moon opens the rooftops of our consciousness. One of the major events occurring at the time of this lunation, an opposition between Mars in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus, shakes our foundations to the core in one way or another. In an act of cosmic grace one of the most buoyant, powerfully positive transits possible is simultaneously alive in the sky. Jupiter and Venus together in Sagittarius offers an abundance of loving, expansive grace.
The excavations and transformations set in motion by Scorpio season, particularly the Mercury retrograde in Scorpio, receive a potent final blast from Mars as it opposes Uranus. Venus, the Sun and Mercury all passed through this same opposition so its themes will not be new. The combination of Mars’ ability to separate out and bravely forge new ground with Uranus’ explosive innovative powers yields a capacity to pierce through any fixed attachment to old habits no longer serving. There may be external events popping up around this time to help with this.
Look the tiger in the eye and let that fierce moment strip you of whatever is crowding out your highest essence
Jupiter, at home as ruler of Sagittarius, also rules this new moon. With this new moon cycle comes an earnest look out into the distance seeking higher truths, greater meaning and some worthwhile ideal worth holding into the future. This is a time to expand or simply connect in with your beliefs. What values matter most of all?
The other side of Sagittarius is the adventurous explorer. Venture out either philosophically in conversation or literally into the sacred natural world. Quest for some missive from the universe to further align your path with Spirit.
Venus riding alongside Jupiter here weaves in threads of love, relatedness, connecting people, ideas, and aesthetics. Beauty! How does Sagittarius’ orientation towards freedom, truth and missions with meaning apply to how we relate to each other? This is an expansive lift and recalibration for our connections with others.
Allow the truth to set you free together so you can enjoy with complete abandon what adventures life has to offer.
Where are the planets?
Mercury in Scorpio
Venus in Sagittarius
Mars in Scorpio
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
have a little faith