New Moon in Scorpio opposite Uranus: A Stirring in the Depths
New Moon at 4° of Scorpio at 11:38 pm EST on October 27, 2019
LOOSEN the grips of patterning~ face what’s there so it can shift
In the dark of the moon where beginnings emerge there is a strike of lightning and the darkness that normally hides so much from view is lit up. Scorpio values turning attention to the places that are usually avoided. The detective of the zodiac, this fixed water sign uses its pointed, powerful energy to pinpoint deception, to fearlessly face shadows, monsters, the creaturely parts of the self that can get us into trouble when unseen and unmet.
We are all prey to a culture that puts light, happiness and convenience on a pedestal. There are grave repercussions to this dynamic and a Scorpio new moon is just the medicine to jumpstart a different approach to what’s not so easy to look at or feel. It’s an invitation to…
mindfully meet what challenges you ~ handle with care
This cycle’s new moon is part of a planetary story that intensifies and sharpens its impact. Given that Scorpio is ruled by the planet Mars, it’s important to include Mars in Libra’s square to Saturn in Capricorn on the same day as the lunation. Additionally, Uranus in Taurus is in direct opposition to the moon itself. Let’s look at these things separately to get a sense of the whole picture.
Mars square Saturn speaks of frustration, blocked will, work, work and more work. This can strengthen the character while testing patience. The larger themes around systems of authority from Saturn in Capricorn this year are activated in a challenging way by Mars in Libra wanting justice. Facing difficult conditions is part of what the new moon in Scorpio portends. Scorpio shines under such circumstances so now’s the time to connect with your most potent reserves and bravely carry on.
Uranus in Taurus has opposed both Mercury and Venus as they’ve passed through this same patch of Scorpionic sky in the last couple of weeks so this oppositional energy is not new to us. Uranus throws monkey wrenches, flashes of inspiration and bolts of madness with gusto. Things are likely to change unexpectedly and some folks may need extra support to maintain grounded perspective. The positive potential here is for those outrageous infusions of energy to shake up long fixed patterns, ushering in entirely fresh possible ways of being.
cultivate patience, flexibility and perseverance to stay in the eye of the storm
As the moon emerges as a crescent, Mercury is slowing down to station retrograde on October 31st. Moon will visit Venus and Mercury on Tuesday night, all around 26° of Scorpio. These last degrees are where Mercury lingers before covering the ground it’s just been over in the coming weeks. Notice your dreams and hunches around this time. Such a cluster in Scorpio intensifies all of our psychic powers, opening pathways between worlds where some valuable information might come through.
Reflect on the shadows
Dwell in the dark
Focus on finding which match
throws a spark
Come home to what’s at bottom
Of your own fathomless depths
stay long enough to grok
what hasn’t landed yet.
What is the power that’s hidden,
Resting down below,
That will arise unbidden
If you don’t get to know
The contours of your shadow,
With you everyday,
The home of so much richness
By no means a demon to slay ?
It’s rather wise and graceful
And full of truth for you
With which you can make beauty
If that is what you choose.
Where are the planets?
Mercury in Scorpio
Venus in Scorpio
Mars in Libra
Jupiter in Sagittarius
Saturn in Capricorn
Uranus retrograde in Taurus
Neptune retrograde in Pisces
Pluto retrograde in Capricorn
Get friendly with the creepy crawlies