Full Moon in Libra: Care for Others As A Path to Balance
Full Moon at 18° Libra at 10:35 pm EST on April 7th, 2020
it’s time to work together towards greater equilibrium
At the fullness of the moon, the seed that was planted when the moon and the sun came together (March 24th) reaches its culmination. What has come into form during this lunar cycle is fully visible and exposed. Anything that’s been hiding in the shadows hides no longer. From the vantage point of the Libran scales, the moon points out what doesn’t work about Aries’ approach and identifies what it can work with.
Libra, the Great Collaborator, lights up the sky now to remind us all to consider the needs of others. While Aries forges ahead on its own path without awareness of the impact of its actions on others, Libra always checks in first. As a sign ruled by Venus, the planet that connects concepts, people and resources, Libra wants to create something beautiful that integrates whatever elements are at play so that each piece can have space in the final outcome. We’ve never needed Libra medicine more!
In whatever ways you’re able, include the needs of others in your approach to the day to day
Venus in Gemini, ruling over this lunation, is within a degree of a trine to Mars in Aquarius. Mars is, in turn, square to Uranus in Taurus. These spatial, angular relationships between the planets give us more information as to the tone of the full moon(and days surrounding full moon). Let’s explore them one at a time.
Venus trine Mars in air signs indicates a supportive flow of creative vision in the world of ideas and conversation. Venus in Gemini wants to play with, talk about and consider all sides of the energy and activity proposed by Mars in Aquarius. What ways can we weave together unusual answers to today’s questions in service of the greater whole? Mars in Aquarius wants to act on behalf of humanity and Venus in Gemini is full of curiosity about how to go about it.
Simultaneously, Mars is in what’s called a ‘hard’ aspect to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus is the mad scientist planet, the one who wants to stir the pot in unexpected ways to foment radical change. In Taurus, this influence is directed especially towards what we value and the physical world. Our bodies, food, shelter, this gorgeous planet we call home and even financial resources, are subject to the disruptive radicalism of Uranus. Mars touches this off with the force and fire it’s known for creating a truly explosive moment when anything can happen. In combination with the nature of full moons generally and their tendency to heighten emotions, tides and ER turnover rates, it’s possible that the unrest we’re all becoming accustomed to could see a spike around this time.
When out in the world, take extra care. Wherever you are, expect the unexpected!
Where are the planets?
Mercury in Pisces
Venus in Gemini
Mars in Aquarius
Jupiter in Capricorn
Saturn in Aquarius
Uranus in Taurus
Neptune in Pisces
Pluto in Capricorn
grace lives in collab-oration